Over the years Alice has collaborated with artists and groups as dramaturge and, sometimes, performer. Here you can find information about some of these partnerships.
Trans-practices for everyday life
Collaborated as dramaturg in elena rose light’s project.
About the project:
“In Frankfurt, seven people (a choreographer, a dramaturg, and five performers) come together to mine our expertise in being radically ourselves. As trans and nonbinary folks, we wake up everyday ready to thwart reality, choosing to shape our bodies and identities through self-determined improvisation – even in the face of systems that threaten topathologize or erase us. Ours is a double negation: of the systems that structure life, and the need to inhabit them.
In the rehearsal studio, we develop physical practices out of our unique daily routines. We write, talk, move, sing. One of us bathes in her dance of trying on dresses; another giddily wrestles with his own biceps. We choreograph our own existence, deciding how, where, and when we want to be witnessed. We invite you to do the same.”
For more information access:

Unlimited Bodies NY
In 2019 Alice Nogueira was invited to make part as a performer from the experiment Unlimited Bodies at Performa 19 Festival in New York City. The project was a 10-days performance conceptualized by Dimitri Chamblas and Sigrid Pawelke.
Untere Reklamationsbehörde
Alice works in pratnership with the Frankfurt am Main based collective Untere Reklamationsbehörde as a performer. They joined the group in three productions until now: Living Noise, Alltagsrauschen and Terminal X.
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