(Instructions to Make a Theatre Piece) - if you want to live, read it
Based on the book Cronópios and Famas from the Argentinian author Julio Cortázar, the piece follows the story of three characters, who decided to create a manual for life that can be split into three different parts: the relation of one individual with him/herself, with the world around them and with death. Created through a collaborative process, the piece uses day-to-day situations to approach deep questions of humanity, such as the incertitude of death and the challenges of alterity.

Text and Direction: Alice Nogueira
Performers: Ana Junqueira, Gabriel Labaki and Leonardo Birche
(previous versions of the piece had also as performers: Marcela Banitz, Thaís Araújo, Lucas Bêda, Verônica Gentilin, Marília Myasawa, William Simplício, and Raquel Médici)
Light Design: Maria
Graphic Project: Renan Marcondes
Photos: Lígia Jardim
Premier at Teatro Arthur Azevedo (2009 - São Paulo);
Presented by Espaço Maquinaria do Teatro de Narradores (2010);
Presented by Espaço do Faroeste (2010);
Presented by Centro Cultural São Paulo (2011);
Presented at different unities of SESC São Paulo and BiblioSESC as part of the project „Latino-Américas: Jogos e Labirintos” from SESC Itaquera (2015);
Presented by Teatro de Contêiner (2017);
Presented by Centro Cultural São Paulo as part of Cronópios Occupation (2018).