Workshop „An (non) anthropocentric body or To become a thing, an animal, an alien or another possibility”
From which perspective do we see otherness? What senses do we practice? How do we connect to the unknown? This is a workshop aimed for students and professionals in the fields of dance, physical theater, performance art or any other art form that focuses on the body. Different temporalities are explored within the human anatomy, while opening up to a more-than-human point of view. From each individual's experience, performative actions and scores are structured in order to create frictions between humans, non-humans, the space and the unknown.This workshop was first realized at the Centro Cultural São Paulo (January/2020)

Escola Livre de Teatro de Santo André
Creation and coordination of the Performative Theatre Research Core (2018);
Instructor at NIT, the Theatre Initiation Group.
Direction of two pieces: „Ensaio.Woyzeck” (2017) and „Faz um século que ninguém vem” (2016).

Célia Helena centro de artes e educação
Teacher of Performance Art at the Scenic Arts Study Course for actors (2015 a 2017). Directed 3 productions: “Existe sempre um vasto mundo para minha infinita solidão”, „Exercício Performático n°1: sobre a angústia” e „Daquilo que rompe as muralhas da minha insensibilidade”;
Post—Graduation Supervisor on Direction’s course (2017);
Teacher of Theatre for beginners on the School Casa do Teatro (2008 a 2015).